Emmanuel Voice – Fall 2024

Jazz @ Emmanuel – October 13- A Season of Change

All change loss and there is always a death of sorts with change. And a reckoning. Even good change. We can have changes in our finances, changes in living conditions, changes in our health, changes in friendships or family, changes in our pets, changes in our diet, or the end of Daylight Savings! Something dies and makes way for something new… What is that for you? Read more here

Emmanuel Garden Club Starting – Kick Off October 27

Emmanuel has a long history of Garden Enthusiasts! The Ladies of Emmanuel had a Mother’s Day Flower Sale annually as our major fund raiser for years. We plant lovers are taking a new direction in the form of a Garden Club! Our first meeting will be Sunday, October 27, NOON-1:30 at the church. Stay tuned and watch for Flyers at the church. There is a new tab on our website for Garden Club activities and events. Go there now to see a list of topics and other ideas!

Annual Harvest Giving – Now through Nov. 24

Our Senior Warden, Patti, Cislon has put together a fun and inspiring campaign to collect money for a Fall Harvest Blessing for those in need. Checks or cash can be deposited in the Pumpkin on the Organ in the Sanctuary. More details here on The Giving Tree

Total Worship Study – Now. Not Too Late to Join in.

Father Don has been meeting with interested persons on Sunday Mornings between Services: 9:30-10:15 AM to discuss what all is involved in Worship of our Lord. Don contends there is much more to worship than we realize and that our awareness and planning can enhance worship not only for ourselves but for others. Indeed, God may also have a few surprises in store. Read the rest of this article here.

Advent 2024 – Practicing Peace – Dec. 10,12,17,19

This Advent, the theme is “Practicing Peace with all your Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind.” You can download your PDF of the study from Living Compass for FREE here. Or pick up a free Booklet in the back of the churches soon as they arrive in November. How does more PEACE during the Holidays sound to you?

The Daughters of the King at Emmanuel will sponsor a free ZOOM discussion in December based on the Advent Study. The discussion, led by Jessie Hipolit, will be in 4 sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, December 10, 12, 17 and 19 from 7-8:30 pm. Send an email to Emmanuelpgh@gmail.com to register and you will be sent a link to join. ZOOM may be accessed by telephone well as computer.
Find out more about the Advent Study, Discussion and Resources here.


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