Garden Club – October 27, 2024

First Meeting – Church Lounge ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿชด๐ŸŒป


  1. Opening Prayer
  2. Handouts – Club Ideas, Topics list, “Winter Gardening”(see links below)
    • and tiny Garden Club potted Black-Eyed Susans as “favors.”
  3. Discuss Names for Garden Club
  4. Discuss Best Meeting Time and Place for Regular Meetings
  5. Favorite Topics of Interest for Most Members
  6. Adopt a Plant – Please!
  7. Closing Prayer


In Attendance:
Gail, Helen, Ellen Pearl, Patti, Carol, Beth, Betty, Nicole, Jessie

  • We will use Emmanuel Garden Club for now and revisit names when we find the list of ideas that we already came up with in the preliminary pre-meeting.
  • Beth volunteered to be our Communications person and send meeting reminders, and gather participants topics choices.
  • We will meet on the 4th Sunday of every month in the church lounge until further notice.
  • Members chose 1 or more plants that Jessie brought in to take home and love on.

Next Meeting – Sunday, November 24

Making 2 new fresh greens wreaths for the church’s front double doors.
Members will bring things from home or new that may be used to decorate them. Beth will purchase the wreaths.
We will add sharing of a GARDEN TIP or RESOURCE to the Agenda for each meeting. ๐ŸŒฟ

Handouts Today:

Garden Club Ideas
Potential Topics List
Topic for October: “Winter Gardening/Gardening Over”

We closed with Prayer:

A Thanksgiving for Gardens

God of grace, in the story of creation,
you made the earth a garden
and entrusted it to us to till and to keep,
a place of peace and beauty
where we could walk with you.
In the story of redemption,
the one who died for us was buried in a garden,
and there you raised him up
to greet us with new hope and risen life.
In the story of the Church,
you tend us as a garden,
a place of careful pruning and abundant harvest,
where we can work with you.
Meet us, we pray,
in all the gardens where we go
for nourishment, refreshment and prayer,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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