Advent 2024

The devotional booklets are published by Living Compass, and have been consistently accessible reading for spiritual contemplation anytime, but specifically, they have a new focus every Advent and Lent. There are also separate studies aimed at Adults, Teens, Parents, and other topics of special interest. Thanks to a generous grant, all the materials are developed by The Rev. Scott Stoner and his team and are all available for free as a PDF download.

Living Compass Devotional studies explore how we can love God more in 4 aspects of our lives: Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind and become more Christ-like. Each teaching and discussion center on a particular theme. Emphasized is how we are learning, not perfect and it is all about being willing to PRACTICE!

This Advent, the theme is “Practicing Peace with all your Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind.” You can download your PDF of the study for free here. Or pick up a free Booklet in the back of the churches soon as they arrive in November. How does more PEACE during the Holidays sound to you?

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you”.  Isaiah 26:3

The Verna Dozier Chapter of The Daughters of the King at Emmanuel will sponsor a free ZOOM discussion in December on the Living Compass Advent Study, “Practicing Peace with All Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength.” The discussion, led by the Daughters: Jessie Hipolit, Carol Veal and Nan Neureither, will be based on the Advent devotional booklets by Living Compass. The booklets can found in the church in November, or online as a PDF here. It is free and easy but you do have to have to go through a shopping cart it to download it for $0.00. They have a grant, so they have to keep track.

dove - symbol of peace

Get the information on the dates, times, link and phone number to join the lessons and discussion!

Discussion sessions will be Tuesdays and Thursdays, December 10, 12, 17 and 19 from 7-8:30 pm. ail Send an email to to register and you will be sent a link to join. The ZOOM may be accessed by telephone well as computer.

Friends are welcome to come to join us on ZOOM. If you can’t make the ZOOM discussion, consider arranging a time to meet with a friend or family member on your own to enhance your study of Practicing Peace.

Jessie Hipolit is a Certified Community Wellness Advocate and Resource Training Instructor through Living Compass.

Download the PDF of the booklet here

‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31).

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