Ladies of Emmanuel

The Ladies of Emmanuel is the  Women’s Fellowship Group of Emmanuel Church.  It consists of all of the women who attend the church. There is no need to “join.”  If you come to the church, you are automatically a member! You can find out what’s going on by hearing announcements at church or checking the website. We worship together, support one another and have fun working together!  

The Ladies of Emmanuel sponsors the annual Plant Sale, the Blessing of the Firemen, help with the Allegheny West Wine Tour, and anything where food is needed.  Some are on the Jazz committee, some go to Bible Study, and some join Daughters of the King. All of us are trying in our own homes, neighborhoods and at church to live our faith in Christ to the best of our ability and understanding.

We welcome you to get acquainted and just assume you fit right in, because you do. When you walk through the door of the church, you are included.

To find out more, ask Father Don, fill out a contact form to state your interests, or look for one or more of these ladies at church who usually know some of what is going on and they will direct you to the right person.
