Home Grown Love – Plant Sale!
~ Ladies of Emmanuel ~ PRE – Mother’s Day Plant Sale! Friday, May 4 11:30-5:30 Saturday, May 5 10:00-4:00
We Have a “Situation”
It started when abutting roof layers lifted and water eked in slowly, wetting the interior walls on both sides of the seam between the buildings. A little water goes a long way and before we knew what was really happening, interior walls were damaged on both sides — meaning the sanctuary side and the small…
Mother’s Day Gifts – Plant Sale May 5-6
Looking for a Gift for Mother’s Day? How about a Live Plant? The Ladies of Emmanuel are sponsoring a plant sale for Mother’s Day Gifts! This is a chance to help a good cause AND honor the special women in your life with a live plant! We have an assortment of Annuals, Perennials, Herbs, and Vegetables — all…