Jazz @ Emmanuel – September 8 – The Beat Goes On 

An Interview with Marisa Costa
by Jessie Hipolit

A Woman with a Vision 

Now that Jazz @ Emmanuel Season 33 is starting up September 8, 2024, it’s time to take a look back in time to how it all began. Counting back 33 years takes us to 1991 when we first started keeping track of the seasons. The actual beginning is a few years earlier. 

A parishioner, Marisa Costa visited a church in New York City and was spellbound by what they called their “Jazz Service.”  The music was fabulous.  Instead of a strictly liturgical service, there were readings, poetry, and theater.  Marisa couldn’t help but wonder if Emmanuel could host a Jazz Service too?  Jazz in Pittsburgh is long standing and vibrant and if it would work anywhere, Pittsburgh would be the place.

“I thought a jazz service would draw people from the neighborhood
to church that had maybe never set foot in a church.
This would be their service – every two weeks.
The music and readings would not be ‘churchy.’ ”

Taking the idea back to Emmanuel’s then Rector, Rich Kuhns, she was surprised and relieved to find that he loved it!  But now what? 

Marisa got to work. The NYC Church had shown her at least what it could look like, but she didn’t know how to plan the structure of the service and where to start.

band silhouette

Bolstered by amazing enthusiasm for the project, Marisa sought those who could help make it happen. Resolute that the event had to have a professional flair, she discovered interested, accomplished musicians by word of mouth.  

Looking for advice on how to get started, Marisa contacted Tony Mowad from WDUQ, the host of “Nightside” and founder of the Pittsburgh Jazz Society.  He suggested a drummer named Joe Harris.  The first piece of an emerging puzzle!  

As Marisa pondered her next move, God already was at work.  It took a year, but, then one day, in the middle of the week, 2 young, talented Jazz artists walked into the church. When they met Rich Kuhns, they floated their idea: Could Emmanuel possibly host a “Jazz Service?”

Absolutely!  So, starting with a pianist, a saxophonist and Joe Harris as the first drummer, two more pieces of the Jazz Service puzzle were providentially added. 

And Jazz @ Emmanuel was born.

Logo created by Marisa Costa

At first, every service was ad hoc, with Marisa looking for musicians each time, and putting together a theme, the readings and music selections, bulletin, and spreading the word. Even a logo was created for publicity.  The Priest, Rich, was kept in the loop so he could plan a message to coordinate with the theme. Ultimately, a committee  formed who would work with Marisa to orchestrate each service. The “Jazz Committee” is still going strong today with newer and long-standing members.

Originally the service was every other week. Today it is once a month  on the 2nd Sunday with the Jazz Committee meeting once a month on the 4th Sunday to plan for the next service.  The Committee does all the planning in conjunction with the now Vicar, Don Youse, who delivers the message and has for the last 30 years.  

“Everyone caught the vision and “was involved and committed —
the community, the musicians, the committee, and Don.
Everybody believed in it.”

The two musicians eventually, (circa 1994?) invited some friends to play and the Curtis-Weeks Quartet was assembled, with Curtis Lundy on bass, David Weeks on Sax, Vince Genova on piano, and Ron Tucker on drums.  

When two of the original musicians moved on to other projects, new musicians needed to be recruited. Dr. James T. Johnson, Jr. and his wife, Pamela J. Johnson, were invited to play piano and provide vocals for the service. Dr. Johnson, Founder and CEO of the African American  Music Institute, and his wife, Pamela, Co-Founder and Music Director, caught the vision and committed to being involved in the services on a regular basis. Often, musicians that offered their virtuosity at the jazz service, experienced the service as being spiritually meaningful to them and hoped to share this experience with listeners.  

Early Bulletin Cover

An ensemble of five musicians eventually formed made up of Dr. James Johnson, Jr. (Dr. “J”) on piano, Don Aliquo Jr. on Sax, David Pellow on bass, Joe Harris on drums and Pamela Johnson’s vocals, were the regulars. James Johnson the 3rd filled in on drums starting when he was just a lad. Now the puzzle had 6 perfectly connected pieces! 

This ensemble played at Emmanuel every month for 25+ years. Only in the past couple of years, have several of the ensemble members stepped down to pursue other ventures.  “Dr.J.,” Pamela and James Johnson III play about 50% of the time now, with drummer, Thomas Wendt coordinating a new group of musicians the rest of the time. Although it looks and sounds a bit different from that first service many years ago, THE BEAT GOES ON!

“It went beyond my expectations!  ALL OF IT.
The music, the way it was played, the way the readings were read, etc. 
It was all BEYOND ME.”

Marisa’s vision for a Jazz Service was to draw people into the church who might be unfamiliar with formal worship service and thus reluctant to attend. She wanted a group of established musicians who  would do justice to Jazz, while being inviting, welcoming, and meaningful. 

“There has to be an agreement about the vision, the purpose, goal. 
That is why it came together. One mind. 
Something more was there than just the performance.
That is what drew the Spirit.”  

The unique and wonderful characteristic of Jazz @ Emmanuel is how spiritual it really is.  In spite of the readings and music not being particularly religious, the Spirit is definitely present…tapping and nodding along with the rest of us.

🎶  🎶. 🎶  🎶. 🎶

For all your time and with the interview, tweaking the article, and of course, your vision and dedication to bringing about Jazz @  Emmanuel —THANK YOU, MARISA.  You are a joy!  God bless!

Maria Costa photo

Marisa Costa, 2023

The Beat Goes On is the theme kicking off our first Jazz Vespers Service of the 2024 Season.
See the Line-Up for the 2024-2025 Season here 

Read the WZUM Tribute to Dr. James Johnson, Jr. and Pam Johnson
For the Jazz Live Legacy Award, 2022 on The Scene

Jazz @ Emmanuel —
Where the spirited and the spiritual join in a new kind of celebration
— as only Jazz at Emmanuel can.
Join us.

The Second Sunday of the Month, September – May


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