This year, our Senior Warden, Patty Cislon, had the idea of blessing others with some financial help in the form of Gift Cards.
The congregation already had a Free Food Share Box in the back of the church where people could donate non-perishables, or help themselves to take home what they could use. The Hipolit’s also brought in peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini from Kevin’s home garden to share. Everyone seemed so grateful.
But thinking about Thanksgiving, Patty wanted to do something extra…
“The idea came to me,” Patty shared, “when I saw a young man from church putting cans of food in his pockets to take home from our Free Food Box. That brought tears to my eyes because I don’t like to see people go hungry.” She knew there must be more in our congregation and community that could use some help.
We are a small congregation, but we could do something.
Patty made a poster and put it in the front of the church in mid-September with the goal of raising $300 for gift cards. “I wasn’t sure if we would make it to $300 as I first planned, but people were generous, and even folks in my building heard what I was doing and gave as well. I’m blessed!”
She kept track of donations by writing our current total on the little white arrows around the Gnome’s hat on the poster. Our congregation rallied to the cause, and by Thanksgiving, we were able to raise over $600.
“I bought 8 $50 giant eagle gift cards, 4 $25 visa gift cards, 5 $20 McDonald’s gift cards. I still have some money! I’m getting a couple Visa cards today. I did give the young man who inspired me a $50 Visa, and I gave to folks at church that submitted names to me for others they know. I gave Don, our priest, several McDonald’s cards to give to any homeless persons he may see on the street.”
“I want to sincerely thank all the members of our church and my building, Cedar Ridge Senior Apartments Robinson Township, for their generous support for our Thanksgiving Campaign of Giving.”
God is Good! All the Time!
“I will bless you… so that you will be a blessing.” ~ Genesis 12:2