Zoom Bible Study


Lent is over, but as Bishop McConnell suggests, we are still in the Wilderness.  With the COVID-19 crisis, anxiety, uncertainty and real need extend the season of reflection, deep prayer, mourning, and giving, beyond Lent and beyond Easter. So in this environment, how do we go about everyday living as “Easter People?”

We tend to think that after the Resurrection of Jesus, all things were peachy for the world of the Bible and the disciples. But was it?  Once Jesus had appeared to them and gave them further instructions and promised the Holy Spirit, He charged them to spread the Gospel throughout the world!  No small task, no matter how you look at it,  The book of Acts of the Apostles chronicles these first years of the disciples’ challenges to hold onto the truth they had witnessed and live like they had been with the resurrected Jesus in the midst of a world that did not appreciate what they had experienced.

We too, struggle with these same challenges 2000 years later. How do we walk through the wilderness of living with the New Coronavirus everywhere and anywhere, and still live like the Resurrection really happened?

We respond as God calls each of us individually. and yet, together we are stronger.  Beyond Zoom, how do we continue to live apart and yet together?


Tuesday Mornings at 10:00 AM we will be taking another look at the Book of Acts to see how the 1st Century believers did it.  How did they navigate the all new situation they found themselves in After the Resurrection?

Don will be leading the Study on the Zoom network. See Church by Zoom for instructions on how to use Zoom.  Same time, same station as Sunday mornings.  Due to security concerns, we will be sending the Meeting ID and Password via email.  If you are not on the mailing list and would like to be, fill out the form below with “Bible Study” in the subject line, or call the church and we’ll add you.  😊 See Contact Us.

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