Sunday Worship


Sunday Mornings at Emmanuel are Special

Visitors will find warmth, safety and welcome.  Our services are both traditional and nontraditional at the same time.

8:00 and 10:30 am
Bible Study from ~ 9:15-10:15.  
Church School for Kids is in the Upper Room during the first part of the 10:30 Service.

What to Expect:

We thought you might like to know what to expect to make you feel more comfortable ahead of attending.  Please feel free to worship the way you like and add to the variety.

The priest or lay reader, will often announce the page number in the Book of Common Prayer so we can follow along.  There is also a weekly bulletin with a service outline.  Alternatively, you are welcome to just listen or get lost in your own thoughts.  God is with us all.

We celebrate Communion as Holy Eucharist Rite II at both services — 8:00 and 10:30 am.   We follow the 1979 Book of Common Prayer for the order of service and prayers.  We come to the altar rail to receive as the bread and cup are passed.  We use real wine.  The liturgical assistants will hand you the cup so you can hold it comfortably to your mouth. You may choose to hold the host and dip it into the cup when it comes to you.  If you want to pass on the wine, just keep your head down or wave the cup on.  If you need to stand to receive communion, that is fine also.  If you are concerned about passing germs on due to a cold, the best way is to pass on receiving the cup.


We use the 1979 Hymnal and the supplemental Hymnal, Lift Every Voice for added richness.  Occasionally our priest, pianist or guitarist will introduce other suitable, inspiring music.

HYMNS and Songs of Praise are normally chosen by our music director, to complement the readings. You are welcome to add your voice to make a melody or join the joyful noise!

The Peace:female-hand-peace-sign-showing-31541725

At Emmanuel, we like to greet everyone robustly (i.e. “Holy Hugs!”) but we respect those who prefer a handshake or a wave and a smile.  🙂


Generally, Episcopalians sit to learn, stand to sing, and stand or kneel to pray. There is no right or wrong.  Some folks mostly sit, some mostly stand.  If you can’t or don’t want to kneel at the altar rail for communion, standing is fine.  Raising hands is also welcomed but not common or expected. Just be yourself.

After the Service:

You are welcome to head home or find your way to the lounge for a cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa.  To find the lounge, exit toward the left front of the church and turn right just past the staircase.  Continue around to the right for the restroom. 

Thanks for coming!