Three new members added to the Verna Dozier Chapter at Emmanuel!
The Verna Dozier Chapter of The Order of the Daughters of the King® began at Emmanuel in 2013, by renewing a very old Charter as Chapter #200. This means that Emmanuel had a Chapter many years ago, but the name and other information have not been found. All we knew was the original Charter # when the Chapter was formed. We asked to keep the # when we started the new Chapter with 5 members in 2013. Over the next 6 years, one moved away, one became a busy caregiver, and one resigned from the Order.
Then, a Daughter at Large (DAL) attending another parish with no Chapter, became part of ours. Soon, we added another lady who is part of a parish in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh which has no Chapter. Then one moved here from a parish in Texas and attends a church with no Chapter, and finally, one transferred into our Chapter after moving across town and attends a new parish with no Chapter.
On September 22, at the President’s home with Father Don attending and officiating, we had an installation of the new members into the Chapter. We are now one big happy family, representing 4 Parishes and 2 Dioceses!
Switching between several members’ homes, we gather for dinner each month, followed by updates, discussion of a spiritual topic, sharing of prayer needs, and finally, prayer. Although all of us are individually involved in various kinds of service, as a group, we find that writing encouraging notes to church groups, individuals in need, and/or service organizations like a local fire department, is something we can take time for during our gatherings.
We each find the support of other Daughters to be essential to our spiritual well-being and growth.
To inquire about Daughters of the King, please leave your name and interest in the form below and we will get back to you shortly.
Clockwise from top left:
Carol Veal, President
Nan Neureither
Liz Delgado
Ann Wilder
Jessie Hipolit
Jan Murtha