Caring for plants you purchased at our Plant Café
Download a Word document Planting Guide for Zone 5-6
House Plants – any can be placed outside for the summer out of direct sunlight – e.g. a deck or shady spot. But spray for bugs before bringing back in the house for the winter.
Download a recipe for making your own organic sprays for a fraction of the cost.
House Plant Examples:
Cactus – Water once a month or less
Pothos – Hard to kill, grows anywhere but loves to be set on a high shelf and hang down or trained to climb up a pole. Heart shaped leaf with yellow or creamy streaks through the leaves. Moderate water and light.
Philodendron – Hard to kill, grows anywhere but loves to be set on a high shelf and hang down or trained to climb up a pole. Comes in many varieties with different shaped leaves.
Moderate water and light.
Peace Plant or Peace Lily – dark green long slender leaves that come to a point. While bloom in ideal conditions. Likes to be evenly moist and moderate light.
Perennials – Stay outside all year and come back up on their own. Why would we ask for more?
Hostas – hard waxy leaves. Water when dry and don’t over-water or the leaves will rot. Moderate light. Lots of varieties.
Vinca Minor – Ground cover or use in pots to vine. Creeps along the ground to spread. Purple blue flower in spring. Will fill in.
Varigated Vinca Minor – ground cover with white edges or put in pots to vine. Purple blue flower in spring. Will fill in.
Violets – Sweet. Tiny purple or white flowers. Keep in pots if you don’t want it to take over your grass. Spreads by underground tubers.
Rudbeckia – aka – Black Eyed Susans Spread underground and doubles in no time. mid to late summer bright yellow with dark brown centers.
Shasta Daisies – similar to Rudbeckia, only white with yellow centers.
Iris – bloom in May, many colors. spread underground and multiply.
Day Lilies – old fashioned – Orange, 36′. New varieties – yellow and 24″
Hydrangeas – pink to blue to purple large globes made up of smaller blooms. For Blue flowers – sprinkle soil with lime. For pink – acid. Or be surprised! Some varieties are white and some are more flat than round!
Flox – pink, blue, white varieties from ground cover to 36.” Many are fragrant.
Tender Perennials
– Bring in before frost and treat as a house plant in Zones 6 and colder. Pittsburgh is Zone 5.5 or 6
Scented Geranium
Citronella Plant – (Scented Geranium)
Wandering Jew
Some Herbs
– Summer Gardens Mostly. Some can be planted before the last frost.
Early Veggies:
Snow Peas
Summer Crop:
Harvest Crops:
Brussel Sprouts