Twenty-Twenty is turning out to be a consequential year of “social distancing” and “un-gathering.” So, this year, our Vicar, Don has written up all of the Service Bulletins that we would have used this week and they are ready for your perusal here on our website.
Beginning with Passion or Palm Sunday this weekend, and going all the way through Easter/Resurrection Sunday, the hope is that you would set aside a special time alone or with family each day next week. LIght a candle, put on some soft background music and read through the text slowly and meditatively.
Bishop McConnell says that God is doing a new thing this year and revealing Christ to us in new ways. Holy Week 2020 online is part of that. Let us worship the God who never changes in Character or Purpose but is always changing His Methods to meet our ever-changing needs in an ever-changing world.
God Bless you for a Holy Week of perceiving our Holy God through new earthly ways.
Download and Print: The Litany of Passion
Litany of the Passion