If someone asked you, “Where God is working in your life?” would you be able to answer readily?
What about if you were asked, “What is your growing edge – spiritually speaking?” Sometimes we are more aware of this than others. Pondering this question can be useful in guiding us to participate with God in His work. but also gives us pause. We have a God who is immensely and intimately interested in our lives. How praiseworthy is that?
Are you interested in taking some time during Lent this year to ponder your growing edge – where God can surely be found?
The Daughters of the King this year have been exploring the theme Growing in the Garden of Divine Love. As gardeners and farmers have long known, preparing the soil properly, planting at the right time, nurturing through watering and fertilizing, trimming or pruning, and weeding — all help produce abundance! What’s not to like about ABUNDANCE?
To examine our own Spiritual Garden during Lent is submit ourselves — heart, mind and soul — for this divine work. It is an opportunity to participate in the sufferings of Christ. This Divine work in our lives is no less than the Way of the Cross.
Join us at Emmanuel for the beginning of Lent on ASH WEDNESDAY, 7 pm.
Will you take some time this Lent for one or more of these Spiritual Gardening activities?
– Time to be alone with God – so readily available all the time and yet so hard to do. Experiment with a motto this Lent of: “Take 5” – Five short and oh-so-special minutes out of your day. See what happens!
– Time to engage with Scripture – read up on Lectio Divina here. Or try the Daily Office online. Or Daily Office and prayers with The Order of St. Gregory.
– Time to be challenged in your thinking – possibly by a Lenten Devotional? Some interesting ones can be found at Forward Movement.
– Time to learn from the faith of other believers – Sign up for the Diocesan Lenten Learning Days at St. James, Penn Hills.
– Time to pray for, and with and be prayed for by others
– Time to ponder and possibly journal about: “Where is God desiring to Till, Plant, Trim or Weed in my life? And, what is my part in the process?”
There are lots of ideas to include Kids in Lent. Here is one.
Have a Blessed Lent!