
The Mission of Emmanuel’s Music Ministry

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our Salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music & song. For the Lord is the great God, the King above all gods.” ~ Psalm 93:1-3

Pipe OrganMade for Worship
What a joy and honor to worship the God who made us, and to proclaim Jesus as the Savior and Hope of the world!  The mission of the ministry through music is to aid the congregation in worshiping God. Through hymns, liturgical service music, choral anthems, ensembles, solos, the focus is to be on God. Music is an offering to God.

Music at Emmanuel offers community outreach with Jazz service every 2nd Sunday at 5PM, Sept. – June.

Worship the Lord with a music mix of styles and artists at Emmanuel
Emmanuel’s worship is an eclectic mix with traditional hymnody and service music at its core.

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Music on a given Sunday might include hymns from The Hymnal 1982, and Lift Every Voice, along with other more recent hymn collections, service music in a traditional style, Taizé chants, folk hymns, African-American spirituals, and praise songs. While music from our organ used to be a staple, other instruments employed have been guitar, or Piano or most often lately, recordings through our sound system. Sometimes we also sing unaccompanied.

Opportunities to Take Part in the Music Ministry at Emmanuel
Come, “Lift every Voice” with a Few of God’s Children at Emmanuel.

Bill at the PianoRehearsal Schedule
From time to time, God brings a few people together who love to Worship Him in song and we have a Choir!  If you are interested, please contact the church office.
Rehearsals usually take place Sunday’s after the 10:30 AM Service.

Calling all instruments (and the people that play them)
If you play, lets us know!