Music Worship Schedule
APRIL 2014
MARCH 2014
March 2nd Last Sunday in Epiphany
Opening Hymn #427 When morning gilds the sky
Sequence Hymn #642 Jesus the very thought of Thee
Offertory Hymn #31 LEV Lead me to Calvary
Communion Hymn # 324 Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Closing Hymn #618 Ye watchers and ye holy ones
March 9th First Sunday in Lent
Call to worship with choir Surely the presence of the Lord
Processional Hymn #473 Lift high the Cross
Sequence Hymn # 178 LEV Sweet hour of prayer
Offertory Anthem God so loved the World (A few of God’s Children)
Communion Hymn #188 LEV It is well with my soul
Recessional Hymn #688 A might fortress is our God
March 16th Lent 2
Opening Hymn (INSERT) To God be the glory
Sequence Hymn #383 Fairest Lord Jesus
Offertory Hymn Guitar Selection
Communion Hymn # 325 Let us break bread together
Closing Hymn #20 LEV When we all get to heaven
March 23rd Lent 3
Call to worship with choir Surely the presence of the Lord
Processional Hymn #690 Guide me O Thou great Jehovah
Sequence Hymn (INSERT) As the Deer
Offertory Anthem For those tears I died ( A few of God’s children)
Communion Hymn # 69LEV In the Garden
Recessional Hymn #60 LEV How great Thou art
March 30th Lent 4
Guitar Music
February 2 2014 Epiphany 4 — Service of Morning Prayer
Opening Hymn #517 How lovely is thy dwelling place
Offertory Hymn #111 LEV Come thou fount of every blessing
Closing Hymn #101 LEV Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
February 9 2014 Epiphany 5
Service of Morning Prayer
Opening Hymn #120 LEV Sweet Sweet Spirit
Offertory Hymn #109 LEV What a friend we have in Jesus
Closing Hymn # 89 LEV My Jesus I love thee
February 16 2014 Epiphany 6
Processional Hymn #184 LEV Blessed Assurance
Sequence Hymn #170 LEV Yield not to temptation
Offertory Hymn #71 LEV In times like these
Communion Hymn #106 LEV Precious Lord
Recessional Hymn # 657 Love Divine all loves excelling
February 23 2014 Epiphany 7
Bishop Dorsey McConnell VISIT
Call to Worship Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
Processional Hymn #12 LEV We’re marching to Zion
Sequence Hymn # 144 LEV Where he leads me
Offertory Choral Selection Come let us sing (Gordon Young) A few of God’s children
Communion Solo Here I am Lord Stephanie
Recessional Hymn #99 LEV My hope is built on
Please join us for repass following today’s worship service
Opening #56 O come O Come Emmanuel
Sequence LEV # 111 Come thou fount of every blessing
Offertory #54 Nearer my God to Thee
Communion #325 Let us break bread together
KIDS SING Jesus Loves Me
Closing #616 Hail to the Lord’s anointed
Opening #81 Lo how a rose ere blooming
Sequence #66 Come thou long expected Jesus
Offertory ‘We shall behold him” Stephanie SOLO
Communion #76On Jordon’s bank the Baptist cry
Closing # 450 All hail the power of Jesus name
Opening #535 Ye servants of God
Sequence #89 It came upon a midnight clear
Offertory Choral Selection
Communion #178 Sweet hour of prayer
Closing Christ is made a sure foundation
OPENING #56 O come O come Emmanuel
Sequence #59 Hark a thrilling voice is sounding
Offertory LEV # 122 Close to Thee
Communion LEV 133 I surrender all
Closing #87 Hark the herald angels sing
15 mins before service Carol Sing along
Processional #83 O come all ye faithful
Sequence # 96 Angels we have heard on high
Offertory Go tell it on a mountain (A few of God’s children)
Communion Who could Imagine a King (SOLO)
Candlelight #111 Silent Night
Recessional # 100 Joy to the world
Christmas Day at Emmanuel is Joyful but there is no music.
All Saints Sunday November 3rd
Processional # 287 For all the saints
Sequence # 469 There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Offertory O when the saints go marching in
Communion Guitarist Angels Band
Recessional LEV #14 Soon and very soon
November 10th
Processional LEV# 205 Trust and Obey
Sequence LEV# 190 If when you give the best of your service
Offertory INSERT Give thanks with a grateful heart
Communion LEV#152 Let us break bread together
Recessional LEV #184 Blessed Assurance
November 17th
Processional #392 Come we that love the Lord
Sequence #371 Thou whose almighty word
Offertory Solo Stephanie “We shall behold him”
Communion LEV# 103 Steal away to Jesus
Recessional LEV# 60 How great thou art
November 24th Christ the King Sunday
Processional Hymn This is the day Some of Gods children
Opening Hymn # 688 A mighty fortress is our God
Sequence #495 Hail thou once despised Jesus
Offertory King of Glory (Some of Gods Children) John Wilson, Soloist
Communion #324 Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Recessional # 460 Alleluia Sing to Jesus
During the Installation of the Order of the Daughters of the King, the choir will sing Order my Steps
Pentecost 20 October 6 2013
Processional Hymn #535 Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
Sequence Hymn #488 Be Thou my vision
Offertory Solo On Eagles Wings
Communion Hymn #671 Amazing Grace
Recessional Hymn LEV #184 Blessed Assurance
Pentecost 21 October 13, 2013
Choral Procession Glad to be in the service on more time
Opening Hymn #493 O for a thousand tongues to sing
Sequence Hymn #411 O bless the Lord O my soul
Offertory Choral Selection” Even Me Lord” A few of God’s children
Communion Hymn INSERT Surely the presence of the Lord
Recessional Hymn INSERT You are my all in all
Pentecost 22 October 20, 2013
Processional Hymn #535 Ye Servants of God!
Sequence Hymn #711 Seek ye first
Offertory Hymn LEV #178 Sweet hour of prayer
Communion Hymn LEV #147 Come ye disconsolate
Recessional Hymn LEV#177 It’s me o Lord
Pentecost 23 October 27, 2013
Choral Procession Glad to be in the service on more time
Opening Hymn #680 O God our help in ages past
Sequence Hymn LEV #111 Come Thou font of every blessing
Offertory Choral Selection” I couldn’t hear nobody pray” A few of God’s childre
Communion Hymn INSERT Our God is an awesome God
Recessional Hymn #636 How firm a foundation