The following prayers are courtesy of the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer
God the Creator, Ruler of heaven and earth:
Have mercy on us
Jesus Christ, the Healer and Redeemer of this broken world:
Have mercy on us.
O Holy Spirit, Giver of life and breath:
Have mercy on us.
O glorious Trinity, whose presence fills all of creation:
Have mercy on us.
We confess to You, O God, our anxiety at this time of an infection that afflicts the peoples of the world, the lack of a cure in this time, which ravages the body and challenges the soul:
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
We confess our fearful emotions as we witness the loss of steady employment, the lack of a steady supply of the necessities of life, and the future of economic well-being:
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
We confess our need for steadfastness and endurance to prepare for the hardships of daily life as we care for children and for the elderly, for the well-being of our friends, and the health of our communities.
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
We pray for our health, and for the health of those who surround us, and for those in every place, and especially for those who become ill and are in need of care.
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
We pray for all doctors, nurses, and health-care professionals, for public health workers, and for the provision of needed medical equipment and supplies.
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
We pray for all elderly and infirm residents of nursing care facilities, and for those who work with them, that they may be surrounded with divine protection.
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
We pray for those who lead us in elected and appointed positions, in particular N. and N., who provide moral and political leadership in this time of crisis.
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
We pray for all who labor, especially those who work in smaller businesses, in this time of great financial hardship, that they may be relieved and protected.
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
We pray for wisdom for those in research and development of treatment programs and the development of vaccines and medications.
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
We pray for the Church and its ministries, for opportunities for worship and study even if unable to come together in person, and we pray for all efforts to provide pastoral care and spiritual direction in these days.
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
We pray that your heavenly grace will precede and follow us in this time of trial, and remind us always to turn to you for your saving grace and healing goodness.
We beseech You to hear us, O God.
Holy God,
Holy and Mighty, Holy Immortal One. Have mercy on us.
Provide a time of silent reflection, concluding with The Lord’s Prayer.
May the God of health and hope sustain us, strengthen us and keep us, in this time and in the days to come, through Jesus Christ, the Great Physician and Healer. Amen.
God of all mercy, you are the source of grace, wisdom and compassion, and you desire the health of every human being. We ask your presence and protecting hand on all healthcare workers treating those who are afflicted with COVID-19 virus.
We pray for those on the front lines of care: for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, those who assist them in offices, hospitals, and in communities where the virus is spreading. We bring before you also all work in residential facilities for the aged and the infirm, and for those centers housing those who are poor and abused, and those with special needs. We pray for all nursing assistants, those who work in hospital and care facility kitchens, for those with responsibilities for cleaning, laundry and maintenance. Finally, we bring before you all in our communities who are first responders to calls for help: our paramedics, police officers and firefighters.
Guard them and keep them as they carry out their responsibilities. Provide opportunities for rest and refreshment even amid urgent situations. Grant them grace to be present to their families. Supply them with the greatly needed medical items: beds, ventilators, masks, devices that provide IV medications and, if needed, equipment for hospitals on ships and in the field. Through their efforts, we pray that the effects of this virus will be relieved, and that, through their efforts, those who are sick may be restored to fullness of health with a thankful heart, through the Great Physician and Healer, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Generous God, Creator of all and gracious provider of all that sustains us and all life that surrounds us: among the many changes and chances of this world, our hearts must surely be fixed only where true joy and hope are to be found. We confess our anxieties and fears as so many suddenly are without work and an income due to the coronavirus pandemic. The familiar fabric of our daily life is torn. Our wages and profits have vanished as customers have disappeared and earnings have turned into financial losses, all through no fault of our own.
We pray for those who now are unemployed, with lost wages and little hope of finding work at this time. We pray for small business owners whose stores, restaurants and businesses struggle to stay in operation or who may have had to close, perhaps not to re-open.
We pray for elected officials and spiritual leaders who seek a way through these difficult days. May the comfort of your loving hand guide all people through the shadow of the valley of death. We bring before you all who are employed and who face enormous stress and weariness with the demands of their jobs.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, may we find hope in your Word, which reminds us of many generations who have come before who have faced wars, sicknesses and plagues, famines and personal losses, yet who have rejoiced in your presence and promise that you will be with them in all of prosperity and peril. Build in us a sense of steadfast hope, unfailing endurance, and lively faith in what you can accomplish even when all seems to be lost.
Make us mindful, almighty God, that your grace precedes and follows us, and that all shall be made well. In the meantime, give us the wisdom to make sound decisions and to receive the generous help of neighbors and friends. Give us a voice to cry out, “Our God will provide!” In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.