Trinity Cathedral -National Bell Festival to Honor COVID Toll


Trinity Cathedral will participate in the National call to ring church bells Tuesday, January 19, 2021, from  5:30-6:00 pm Eastern.  This commemoration will honor all in our Nation who have lost their lives in the wake of COVID-19. Almost 400,000 have nationwide have succumbed to this disease. Trinity joins churches all across America who will take part in this solemn ceremony.  Also to be honored are all the frontline workers who have so valiantly and patiently worked to save lives and bring victims back to heath wherever possible and in far too many cases, hold their hands as they pass into the afterlife.  With no family or friends allowed near them. many would die alone except for these dedicated health workers.

President-Elect Joe Biden called on his Presidential Inaugural Committee to include the bell ringing in upcoming events, in solemn remembrance of the devastation this virus has caused and to mourn the dead.  The Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool in Washington, D.C. will be lit and Biden asks buildings all across Americal to join the light-up in solidarity.


The event will be Streamed at and PIC’s YouTubeFacebookTwitter, and Twitch.


– Light a candle in your window and join fellow Americans for this national moment of remembrance.

– Light up city buildings at 5:30 local time in a light amber color.

– Ring a bell at 5:30 pm ET on January 19 during the national ceremony to join us in a collective moment of remembrance.

– Tune in on January 19 at 5:30 pm ET for a ceremony with President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Harris, featuring the first-ever lighting of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool to honor those who have died.

– Join our Facebook event to get the latest updates and share the word and invite your family, friends, and loved ones to join us for the COVID-19 Memorial.

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